NIC Local FranchiseDiscovery Days
Helping you to make an informed decision about your future
We know decision making can take time, especially when it comes to something as significant as choosing a new business venture.
The information on this website and in our franchise opportunity prospectus will give you an idea of the massive potential in becoming an NIC Local franchisee. But the best way to learn if a commercial cleaning and facilities management business is really for you is to meet and talk with our team.
So to help you along your journey, we have carefully crafted our Franchise Discovery Day sessions. Here’s everything you need to know about them:
Where are they held?
Discovery Day sessions are primarily held at our head office in Leeds, but can be arranged to take place at a venue more local and convenient to you.
How long do they last?
What will I learn?
You will learn everything you need to know about owning and managing an NIC Local franchise. You will also have a chance to talk through any concerns and ask questions to our dedicated franchise recruitment team.